-meLLia maRseLina's bLog-

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

Free DiaryOne | Aplikasi untuk Menulis Diary

DiaryOne, seperti namanya merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk menulis diary, catatan harian atau apa saja yang menurut anda patut untuk ditulis. Biasanya kegiatan seperti itu, kebanyakan dilakukan oeh kaum hawa, tapi kalau ada sobat blogger laki-laki yang suka melakukan hal tersebut, nggak masalah. Fine-fine aja, asal jangan sampe jeruk makan jeruk. Hehehe

Untuk pertama kali penggunaan sobat blogger diharuskan untuk membuat akun diary anda, proses membuat nya relatif mudah ko sob, ikuti aja step-step yang ada, nggak bakalan nyasar dan merusak komputer kok. Heheh

Penggunaan software DiaryOne ini pun terbilang sangat mudah (user friendly) jadi sobat blogger nggak perlu khawatir dengan hal ini, kalau pun masih bingung, saya yakin lama-kelamaan anda juga terbiasa dan jadi bisa deh. Hehehe

Ketika anda sedang menulis dalam DiaryOne ini, anda juga bisa menambahkan semacam emoticon yang mewakili perasaan anda, gambar-gambar dari komputer, dan yang paling saya suka dari aplikasi ini adalah kita juga bisa memasukan sebuah lagu kedalam diary kita, jadi kalau diary kita dibuka, otomatis lagunya pun akan menyala.

Selain berfungsi untuk menulis diary, ternyata software ini juga bisa merekam suara kita loh sob, jadi kalau sobat lagi males nulis, tinggal tekan tombol record dan keluarkan keluh kesah sobat. hehehe

Sebenarnya, masih banyak lagi fasilitas yang diberikan software DiaryOne ini, tapi untuk lebih lengkapnya download aja dan buktikan sendiri. Buat kaum hawa software DiaryOne sangat saya rekomendasikan.

sumber : http://www.remo-xp.com/2009/11/free-diaryone-aplikasi-buat-menulis.html
posted by meLLia maRseLina at 19.10 0 comments

Cara Hack ISP untuk penggunaan internet secara gratis

Bagi anda pengunjung yang berasal dari Indonesia di sarankan pake translate dulu......yaaaaa.........

nih linknya : 



How To Hack ISP To Use Internet For Free (tools and video tutorial) + SERILS & KEYGEN FOR SUPERSCAN 30 & TOOLS
Sekilaf info aja… kalo ada yg dah berhasil review disini yah :D
Superscan is a free connect-based port scanning software designed to detect open TCP and UDP ports on a target computer, determine which services are running on those ports, and run queries such as whois, ping, ICMP traceroute, and Hostname lookups.
Superscan 4, which is a completely-rewritten update to the other Superscan, features windows enumeration, which can list a variety of important information dealing with Microsoft Windows such as :

* NetBIOS information
* user and Group Accounts
* Network shares
* Trusted Domains
* Services – which are either running or stopped
Superscan is a tool used by both system administrators, crackers and script kiddies to evaluate a computer’s security. System administrators can use it to test for possible unauthorized open ports on their computer networks, whereas crackers use it to scan for a potentially insecure port in order to gain illegal access to a system.
Superscan 4 is produced by the Foundstone, a division of McAfee.
Here are some of the new features in this version.
* Superior scanning speed
* Support for unlimited IP ranges
* Improved host detection using multiple ICMP methods
* TCP SYN scanning
* UDP scanning (two methods)
* IP address import supporting ranges and CIDR formats
* Simple HTML report generation
* Source port scanning
* Fast hostname resolving
* Extensive banner grabbing
* Massive built-in port list description database
* IP and port scan order randomization
* A selection of useful tools (ping, traceroute, Whois etc)
* Extensive Windows host enumeration capability
a-Change Mac Address 5.0
Change Mac Address in seconds! Scan Mac Address within any range of IP address. Exports the scanning results from a Mac Address Lookup list. Spoofing the Mac Address of your network card to any new Mac Address.
Wake on Lan. Win Ipconfig.Port Scan.
Scan any range of IP for the proper Mac Address.
Support changing Mac Address of any network cards under Windows NT/2000/XP/95/98/2003.
Support exporting scanning mac address results to txt file.
A-MAC Address Change is a lightweight, easy-use MAC Address scanning and changing software. Don’t let its small size fool you! It’s filled with features such as:
* It’s shockingly easy to use — just a simple input and click, that’s it!
* It can scan any range of IP for the proper MAC Address.
* It supports exporting results of your scan to a text file.
* It runs on all Windows™ operating systems.
* It supports any network cards under Windows Me/95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
* It supports changing back to its original physical address.
* It recommends the proper Ethernet network card.
* It displays the information of your computer.
* It automatically checks the legality of IP range.
* It supports changing MAC searching speed.
But what does all this mean to you? Simple…
* You don’t blow your time calling the ISP vendor and ask them to update the registered MAC Address to match the new hardware. Some Cable Modem ISP’s assign IP addresses base on the PC’s MAC addresses. For whatever reason, if you need to swap 2 PC’s regularly to connect to the cable modem, it would be a lot easier to spoof MAC Addresses rather than to change Network Interface Card (NIC).
* You can scan the MAC Address of destination computer.
* You can perform security checking on MAC Address based authentication and authorization systems
* You can build Stand-by (offline) systems with the EXACT same Computer Name, IP address, & MAC Address as the Primary Systems. If Stand-by systems should be put online, NO arp table refresh is necessary, which eliminates extra downtime.
* Test network management tools.
* Some software can ONLY be installed and run on the systems with pre-defined MAC address in the license file. Now you can install one of these applications to another system with a different NIC.
* Troubleshoot Network problems: ARP Tables, Routing, Switching, etc.


sumber :  http://hackcenter.wordpress.com/2009/10/29/how-to-hack-isp-to-use-internet-for-free/
posted by meLLia maRseLina at 19.03 0 comments

Hack dan Kacaukan LAN Warnet

Jadi administrator jaringan itu membosankan, tiap hari ngadepin berbagai macam stupid question, yah dari mulai pertanyaan bego ada pula pertanyaan yang sebenernya ngak usah ditanyakan? namun itulah semua resikonya, semua dilakukan dengan senyum dan tawa ramah (walaupun hati dongkol). Namun diantara semua hal boring itu, yang paling menyenangkan adalah kita bisa brosing internet sepuasnya, download sepuasnya (ha ha ha), chatting sepuasnya.. sampai pernah ngalamin apa yang disebut internet phobia hahahah, bosen brosing semua situs internet karena udah pernah dikunjungin jadi ngak ada lagi yang menarik untuk dikunjungin lagi. Kalo udah gini, nyalain komputer aja dah males.

Beberapa hal lain yang sering aku lakukan untuk menghilangkan kebosanan adalah dengan menulias sedikit artikel disini, dengerin musik & video klip, nonton film hasil downloadan alias bajakan (dari mulai anime ampe yang tripel x bo) dan tentu saja chatting yang bikin ngak bete or boring.

Hahaahah, terkadang sifat usil muncul adalah mematikan paksa komputer orang, mematikan paksa jaringan internet pengguna terutama kalo doski lagi maen game atau download "file". Selama ini korban keisengan cuman sekitar teman-teman sendiri di Warnet atau yang pasti temen-temen ku di Surabaya yaitu Indri Ardianto dan kawan kawan, sohib sekaligus saudara ku. Sering banget mereka jadi korban keisengan (sekalian ngetest, makanya jangan suka download filem porno)?hahahaah (Indri, pasti loe ketawa kalo baca ini, soalnya loe yg paling sering jadi kelinci percobaan),? Sekarang aku mau isengin loe dengan matiin aja internetnya dari sini : kita gunakan WinArpAttack 3.5 ( Download di http://www.ziddu.com/download/1750057/LanAttacker.rar.html ).

Tools ini sangat powerfull karena bisa mengacak-acak LAN anda mulai dari broadcast ip Conflict ( bisa membuat semua LAN kantor anda jadi IP conflict ) atau bahkan flooding. anda bisa mendapatkan informasi mac rekan2 anda yang terhubung dari LAN. Bisa juga bikin hang komputer rekan anda ( dengan mengirimkan paket Flooding ). Sekarang aku mulai coba dengan sedikit main-main dengan tools ini.

INGAT tools INI Bersifat destruktif. Lakukan dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Gunakan alat ini sebagai bahan pembelajaran saja.

Tampilan WinArpAttacker 3.5 (ip dan komputer lain sengaja ngak aku tampilin untuk security)

Serangan IP Conflict :

Serangan BanGateway :

WinArpAttacker V3.5

Masuk menu option

Adapter sesuaiin adapternya (sesuai yg dipake)

Attack arp flood times isi 10.000.000 (max)

ban gateaway 1 menit

Ip conflict 1 menit

arp spoof interval 1 menit - Update Check list aja semua pilihan yg ada

Keterangan dari pembuatnya :

(1) Arp Flood - Send ip conflict packets to target computers as fast as possible, if you send too much, the target computers will down. Sad

(2) BanGateway - Tell the gateway a wrong mac address of target computers, so the targets can't receive packet from the internet. This attack is to forbid the targets access the internet.

(3) IPConflict - Like Arp Flood, send ip conflict packets to target computers regularly, maybe the users can't work because of regular ip conflict message. what's more, the targets can't access the lan.

(4) SniffGateway - Spoof the targets and the gateway, you can use sniffer to collect packets between them.

(5) SniffHosts - Spoof among two or above targets, you can use sniffer to collect packets among all of them. (dangerous!!!!)

(6) SniffLan - Just like SniffGateway, the difference is that SniffLan sends broadcast arp packets to tell all computers on the lan that this host is just the gateway, So you can sniff all the data between all hosts with the gateway.(dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Semua pembahasan ini hanya untuk edukasi aja loh.. bukan untuk merusak.. uji coba boleh-boleh aja? tapi jangan terlalu keseringan..!!!
posted by meLLia maRseLina at 19.02 0 comments